Collecting a Judgment

Icon of a person with two question mark thought bubblesIf the Judge finds that the defendant owes money to the plaintiff, the Judge will enter a judgment against the defendant. Just because you win a judgment, does not mean the defendant will automatically pay you the money. The defendant may not have the money to pay you right now, or the defendant may not want to pay you. If the defendant does not pay you, you have several options you can use to “collect” the judgment. If the defendant fails to pay voluntarily, the plaintiff may try to collect on the judgment. It is not always easy to collect a judgment.

The Iowa Judicial Branch provides more information on options for collecting a judgment when the defendant does not pay the judgment here.

Our page on The Debtor’s Exam Process provides more information on one of the ways you can try to collect money from a defendant after a judgment has been entered against them and they have refused to pay.

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