Research Topics

Abuse of Older Persons and Dependent Adults

  • Visit the Abuse of Older Persons and Dependent Adults section to learn more about criminal and civil elder abuse, dependent adult abuse, resident rights in long-term care facilities and programs, and support organizations for older persons and dependent adults.

Consumer Law

  • Visit the Consumer Law section to learn more about buying and owning a home, paying for utilities (like gas and electricity), buying and owning a vehicle, debtor/creditor law, student loans, protecting your identity, and small claims court.

Family Law

  • Visit the Family Law section to learn more about changing your name and legal identity changes, paternity, custody & visitation, child support, parental rights, foster care & adoption, guardianship, emancipation, marriage, and divorce.

Guardianships & Conservatorships

  • Visit the Guardianships & Conservatorships section to learn more about guardianships and conservatorships for adults and minors, as well as alternatives to guardianships and conservatorships.

Housing Law

  • Visit the Housing Law section to learn more about renting a home in Iowa, including discrimination in housing, leases, property conditions and repairs, evictions, mobile homes, and public and subsidized housing.

Insurance Law

  • Visit the Insurance Law section to learn basics on insurance law in Iowa, including information on automobile insurance, health insurance, and insurance for your house or apartment.

Life Planning

  • Visit the Life Planning section to learn more about powers of attorney, wills, living wills, do not resuscitate orders, physician orders for scope of treatment, and disposition of remains.

Public Benefits

  • Visit the Public Benefits section to learn more about Medicaid, Medicare, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). 


  • Visit the Veterans section to learn more about who qualifies as a veterans, veteran benefits, assistance for homeless veterans, and other resources for veterans.

Voting Law

  • Visit the Voting Law section to learn more about who can vote in Iowa, the voting process, and how to register to vote.

Work Law

  • Visit the Work Law section to learn more about topics relating to hiring, working, and what happens when employment ends.